For the measure-ment of pH value of air-dried soils, the difference between the micro quinhydrone electrode and the glass electrode was insignificant. 在应用微氢醌电极法测定土壤的pH时,对干土所得的结果与玻璃电极数值一致;
The content of nitric acid and hydrofluoric acid in stainless steel pickling baths has been determined with quinhydrone electrode and saturated calomel electrode and with quinhydrone electrode and fluoride ion-selective electrode respectively. 本法采用了氢醌电极和饱和甘汞电极组成的电池测定HNO3含量,采用了氢醌电极和氟离子选择电极组成的电池测定HF含量。
Preparation and Application of a PVC Membrance Terazosin Ion-selective Electrode Based on Gel Quinhydrone Internal Reference Electrode 凝胶醌氢醌PVC涂膜特拉唑嗪选择电极的研制与应用